Terms of Use
A. General
1. The internet site, "annabella-pump.co.il" (hereinafter: “the Site”) that is owned by Annabella Tech Ltd, Private Company No. 515720829 (hereinafter: “the Company”), is an online internet commerce platform for the sale of breast pumps and accompanying products. These terms of use are legally binding. The provisions in these terms of use will apply to all usage of the Site, including the purchase by means of an application and/or telephone orders. We wish to clarify that these terms of use are also binding for the Company’s vendors, and in any case, contractual ties to this Site should not be considered beneficial for a third party.
2. The Company allows you to purchase, through the Site, products and services so that on each sales page the product/service offered for sale, the specifications of the product/service, the payment terms, delivery details and the price of sale will appear according to the amount of products/services to be purchased, so the purchase price could change according to the number of products that have been purchased. It is hereby clarified that the cancellation of a purchase pursuant to these terms, could change the sale price, even after the closure of sales, as detailed in these terms and the provisions appearing on the relevant sales page.
3. The use of the Site is subject and conditioned to what has been set forth in these terms (hereinafter: "the Terms") and your use of the Site serves as admission that you have read the aforementioned in the Terms and you completely agree to everything it sets forth. If you do not agree to the any of the terms proposed in the Terms of Use, you are not permitted to use the Site for any use whatsoever.
4. The ordering and/or purchase of a product via the Site is subject to all the provisions and terms of these Terms of Use, and subject to the aforementioned in all law, and the user and/or a person on their behalf, any claim and/or demand and/or allegation against the Site and/or the Company and/or any of its directors and/or employees, in anything related to the provisions and terms of these Terms of Use.
5. The Company reserves the right to change the Terms from time to time. The updated draft of the Terms will be published on the Site and it is what will obligate the Company and all its users. In any case of contradiction between the provisions of the Terms and any media publication, the provisions of the Terms of Use will prevail.
6. The Terms of Use have been in general-neutral grammar for convenience only, but it is intended equally for both men and women.
7. For any question regarding the use of the Site and/or any of the Regulation's articles, please contact the Company by means of e-mail: info@annabella-pump.com.
8. The prices for the products include VAT, if applicable by law, but do not include delivery fees.
9. The Company's digital records concerning the activity carried out through the Site will be the exclusive evidence testifying towards the accuracy of the transactions.
10. The pictures of the products displayed on the Site are only for illustrative purposes and do not obligate the Company in any way.
11. The Company does not undertake have inventory of all the products whose pictures appear on the Site.
12. The Company does everything in its power to ensure that the information presented on the Site will be the most complete and accurate information, but clarifies that there could be, in good faith, inconsistencies or errors, and subject to applicable laws, the Company will not bear any liability stemming from these inconsistencies or that is related to them.
13. The Company is allowed to update the prices of the products on the Site and the delivery fees from time to time and without prior notification. The price that is valid for orders carried out is the price that was published on the Site at the time the ordering process was completed (including the provision of credit card details). If the prices were updated before the ordering process was completed, the user will be charged according to the updated prices.
14. The Company is allowed to offer sales, benefits and discounts on the Site or by means of any other media channel - including via telephone, email or text message, subject to receiving approval according to law. The Company is allowed, at any time, to stop these sales, benefits and discounts, and replace or change them, subject to applicable legal provisions.
15. The Site's terms of use apply to the use of the Site and the services it includes by means of a computer or other communicative device (e.g. cell phone, various hand-held computer, etc.). These also apply to the use of the Site by means of the internet or by means of any other network or means of communication.
16. During an update of the basket of purchases, and subject to all applicable law, the Company reserves the right to send reminders to users concerning the abandoned basket, by means of sending an email message to the address that has been entered.
17. During registration to the Site, the option of receiving official email messages from the Site will be offered. If the user is interested in removing themselves from the distribution list after registration is complete, they can easily do so through a link at the bottom of the message that was received, or by sending a request via email to info@annabella-pump.com or under “My Account” in the user’s account on the Site, whichever is preferred by the user. To remove all doubt, the Company will still be entitled to use the users details for the goals detailed in the Company’s privacy policy as detailed in Section I of these Terms of Use that deals with the privacy policy and the need to send messages concerning operations (e.g. receiving receipts, order approval, etc.), according to applicable law.
18. Registration to the Site is limited to the creation of a single account for each user. The Company reserves the right to remove multiple accounts for a single user.
19. The execution of orders of a user who is under the age of 18 when the order was made will only be completed with the attachment of permission from a parent and/or legal guardian. The entering of credit card information of the parent and/or legal guardian will be considered the provision of consent to complete the purchase by the user who is a minor.
20. The Company is entitled, according to its sole discretion under the relevant circumstances, to stop Site’s activities at any time and without prior notice.
21. The Company is entitled and reserves the right to prevent access to the Site or to prevent the option of ordering products by means of the Site or to cancel the orders or stop the use by a specific Site user in any case in which: (a) the user violated one of the conditions of the Terms of Use or any other binding provision that will appear on the Site or in other contractual documents that apply to the user and the Company; (b) the user carried out an action or misdeed that could harm the Company and/or a person on its behalf and/or any third party, including other users of the Site or the uninterrupted use of the Site, including but not limited to, fictitious orders and/or the intentional cancellation of transactions and/or distributing false information on the Site; (c) if there is financial debt to the Company and/or its related companies and the time of payment has passed; or (d) for any other reason that is not detailed above and the Company has found it correct, according to its sole discretion, that is reasonable under the circumstances at hand. In the aforementioned cases, the Company will be entitled, inter alia, and without mitigating from its courses of action at its disposal, to follow the usage of the Site’s users, to transfer the user’s behavioral patterns to the relevant authorities and/or third parties who will prove, to the satisfaction of the Company, that they are being harmed by the user’s violating activities and any other course of action the Company decides to take in order to protect its proprietary rights and/or its rights and/or the rights to third parties.
B. Definitions
1. "The Site" - as defined in Sections A1 above, including the system (as defined below).
2. "The User" - any person and/or body and/or representative that enters the Site, and uses it as a reader, buyer, vendor or a random visitor to the Site.
3. "Buyer", "Customer" - any user who purchases products on the Site.
4. "The Company" - Annabella Tech Ltd. Private Company no. 515720829, whose offices are registered on Rehov Hata'as 23, Kfar Saba.
5. "Information" - all content and/or material presented on the Site, whether it has been published by the Company or by users of the Site, in any existing form of media, including as text, pictures, graphic content, drawings, sketches, logos, trademarks, photographs, audio content, video content and also including the design of all the aforementioned.
6. "Products" - any product offered for sale on the Site by the Company.
7. "Transaction" - a purchase by a buyer on the Site. Only authorization of execution for an order that was received via the customer's email that includes the details of the completed order, which includes, inter alia, customer details, order details and terms of delivery, will serve as approval of the completion of a transaction on the Site. The completion of the transaction will only be carried out after receiving the following accumulative approvals:(1) the Company's approval; (2) approval of the buyer's credit company (hereinafter: "the Date of Transaction Completion"). All the dates, including the delivery dates will be listed, beginning from the Date of Transaction Completion.
8. "Business Day" - weekdays (Sunday to Thursday), not including: the day the order was made, Fridays, Saturdays, holiday eves, holidays, sabbatical days, Chol HaMoed (days of the Passover and Sukkot holidays) , and memorial days.
9. "Terms of Use" - the Site's terms and conditions of use and privacy declaration, which are detailed in this document.
2. "The User" - any person and/or body and/or representative that enters the Site, and uses it as a reader, buyer, vendor or a random visitor to the Site.
3. "Buyer", "Customer" - any user who purchases products on the Site.
4. "The Company" - Annabella Tech Ltd. Private Company no. 515720829, whose offices are registered on Rehov Hata'as 23, Kfar Saba.
5. "Information" - all content and/or material presented on the Site, whether it has been published by the Company or by users of the Site, in any existing form of media, including as text, pictures, graphic content, drawings, sketches, logos, trademarks, photographs, audio content, video content and also including the design of all the aforementioned.
6. "Products" - any product offered for sale on the Site by the Company.
7. "Transaction" - a purchase by a buyer on the Site. Only authorization of execution for an order that was received via the customer's email that includes the details of the completed order, which includes, inter alia, customer details, order details and terms of delivery, will serve as approval of the completion of a transaction on the Site. The completion of the transaction will only be carried out after receiving the following accumulative approvals:(1) the Company's approval; (2) approval of the buyer's credit company (hereinafter: "the Date of Transaction Completion"). All the dates, including the delivery dates will be listed, beginning from the Date of Transaction Completion.
8. "Business Day" - weekdays (Sunday to Thursday), not including: the day the order was made, Fridays, Saturdays, holiday eves, holidays, sabbatical days, Chol HaMoed (days of the Passover and Sukkot holidays) , and memorial days.
9. "Terms of Use" - the Site's terms and conditions of use and privacy declaration, which are detailed in this document.
C. Registration to the Siteand executing orders through the Site
1. The order and purchase of products will be carried out by users by means of creating an account on the Site (“the Account”) to be used for these orders, or by means of a “guest” order (as detailed below). The creation of an Account on the Site is without cost and is carried out by completing the order form on the site (“the Order Form”). The user is solely responsible to keep their account details in complete confidentiality. It is clarified that the provision of all details to complete an order on the Site serves as a precondition to complete the order.
2. The user will choose the desired products, where each product offered on the site will be presented on a “Product Page” where information concerning the product, and its price, will be presented. The Company is entitled to update the Product Page from time to time, to add or remove products, to remove products no longer in stock, and to update and/or change the price of the products from time to time.
3. The Company will not make any use of the user’s details unless it is allowed by the Site’s privacy policy, which serves as an inseparable part of these Terms of Use.
4. In order to ensure the order is efficiently completed without delay, attention must be paid to provide all the updated details required by the Site in an accurate manner. If during the ordering process, errant details were be provided, the Company will be unable to ensure the order will be received, be carried out or that the products will reach their destination. In the case that the products that were ordered will be returned to the Company due to errant details or the non-collection of the shipment or not answering calls from the delivery company , the Company will be entitled to charge the user additional payment for shipping fees.
5. A condition to carry out an order through the Site is possessing a credit card or other means of payment that has been approved by the Site, such as a valid PayPal account (that has not been limited or blocked for any reason). If a credit card is used, only Israeli credit cards are be accepted. If the user has used credit card details or other means of payment from any third party, the use of a credit card or another means of payment (as relevant) is fully acceptable and authorized by the listed owners of the credit card or other means of payment, and the user will solely bear full liability and will immediately compensate the Company for any claim and/or demand by the owners of the credit card or other means of payment or any other third party related to the user’s use of the credit card or other means of payment.
6. If an order was carried out by the user, the Company will carry out a check of the credit card details, and after the order has been approved by the credit company, notice will be sent to the user that the order has been approved.
7. The details of the order, as they have been entered by the user on the Order Form and the documentation of the transaction in the Company’s IT systems will serve as conclusive and final evidence for the accuracy of the transaction.
8. In the event the transaction was not approved by the credit company, the user will receive notice thereof and be required to provide another means of payment.
9. In addition to the aforementioned approval by the credit company, the approval of an order will be contingent on the fact the desired product does exist in the Company’s inventory at the desired time of delivery and/or at the time of the order (even if it is mentioned on the Site that the product is actually in stock). If the product is not in stock, the Company will be entitled to notify the user that the order has been cancelled, and the user will be fully refunded accordingly. The aforementioned notification will be provided to the user by means of email and/or voice mail or phone text message, according to the Company’s discretion. To remove all doubt, the user will not have any claim and/or demand on this matter towards the Company and/or anyone on its behalf, and it waives, finally and completely, any claim concerning any type of damage, whether the damage is direct or indirect, that was incurred to the user and/or a third party.
10. Products are presented on the Site from time to time as pre-order products. When ordering products defined as pre-order products, the user will receive the complete order, including additional items on the order that are not preorder products, according to the timetable noted for the pre-order products.
11. After the payment details have been entered on the payment page, the user will be sent authorization, through email (which was entered during registration), that the order’s details have been accepted. This authorization does not obligate the Company to provide the products, and is only intended to show that the details have been accepted into the Company’s systems.
12. If it becomes clear that the user’s credit card, or that of a person on their behalf, is not valid, or the credit card company is not accepting the transaction, or that PayPal (or any other available online payment service) does not accept the charge, or the desired product is not in the Company’s inventory, the Company will contact the user (by means of the details provided during the registration process or by those provided on the order) to complete the transaction or to cancel it.
13. For payment by means of a PayPal account (or any other online payment provider), the user will be requested to enter the details of their current account on the PayPal site (or the account of another online payment provider), or will be able to choose to open a PayPal account or an account with another online payment provider. The use and approval of payment will be subject to terms of service and privacy policy of the relevant online payment services provider, and not the Site’s.
2. The user will choose the desired products, where each product offered on the site will be presented on a “Product Page” where information concerning the product, and its price, will be presented. The Company is entitled to update the Product Page from time to time, to add or remove products, to remove products no longer in stock, and to update and/or change the price of the products from time to time.
3. The Company will not make any use of the user’s details unless it is allowed by the Site’s privacy policy, which serves as an inseparable part of these Terms of Use.
4. In order to ensure the order is efficiently completed without delay, attention must be paid to provide all the updated details required by the Site in an accurate manner. If during the ordering process, errant details were be provided, the Company will be unable to ensure the order will be received, be carried out or that the products will reach their destination. In the case that the products that were ordered will be returned to the Company due to errant details or the non-collection of the shipment or not answering calls from the delivery company , the Company will be entitled to charge the user additional payment for shipping fees.
5. A condition to carry out an order through the Site is possessing a credit card or other means of payment that has been approved by the Site, such as a valid PayPal account (that has not been limited or blocked for any reason). If a credit card is used, only Israeli credit cards are be accepted. If the user has used credit card details or other means of payment from any third party, the use of a credit card or another means of payment (as relevant) is fully acceptable and authorized by the listed owners of the credit card or other means of payment, and the user will solely bear full liability and will immediately compensate the Company for any claim and/or demand by the owners of the credit card or other means of payment or any other third party related to the user’s use of the credit card or other means of payment.
6. If an order was carried out by the user, the Company will carry out a check of the credit card details, and after the order has been approved by the credit company, notice will be sent to the user that the order has been approved.
7. The details of the order, as they have been entered by the user on the Order Form and the documentation of the transaction in the Company’s IT systems will serve as conclusive and final evidence for the accuracy of the transaction.
8. In the event the transaction was not approved by the credit company, the user will receive notice thereof and be required to provide another means of payment.
9. In addition to the aforementioned approval by the credit company, the approval of an order will be contingent on the fact the desired product does exist in the Company’s inventory at the desired time of delivery and/or at the time of the order (even if it is mentioned on the Site that the product is actually in stock). If the product is not in stock, the Company will be entitled to notify the user that the order has been cancelled, and the user will be fully refunded accordingly. The aforementioned notification will be provided to the user by means of email and/or voice mail or phone text message, according to the Company’s discretion. To remove all doubt, the user will not have any claim and/or demand on this matter towards the Company and/or anyone on its behalf, and it waives, finally and completely, any claim concerning any type of damage, whether the damage is direct or indirect, that was incurred to the user and/or a third party.
10. Products are presented on the Site from time to time as pre-order products. When ordering products defined as pre-order products, the user will receive the complete order, including additional items on the order that are not preorder products, according to the timetable noted for the pre-order products.
11. After the payment details have been entered on the payment page, the user will be sent authorization, through email (which was entered during registration), that the order’s details have been accepted. This authorization does not obligate the Company to provide the products, and is only intended to show that the details have been accepted into the Company’s systems.
12. If it becomes clear that the user’s credit card, or that of a person on their behalf, is not valid, or the credit card company is not accepting the transaction, or that PayPal (or any other available online payment service) does not accept the charge, or the desired product is not in the Company’s inventory, the Company will contact the user (by means of the details provided during the registration process or by those provided on the order) to complete the transaction or to cancel it.
13. For payment by means of a PayPal account (or any other online payment provider), the user will be requested to enter the details of their current account on the PayPal site (or the account of another online payment provider), or will be able to choose to open a PayPal account or an account with another online payment provider. The use and approval of payment will be subject to terms of service and privacy policy of the relevant online payment services provider, and not the Site’s.
D. Order cancellation and productreturn policy
1. The content of this section is subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law 5741-1981 (“Consumer Protection Law”).
2. The user will be entitled to cancel a purchase transaction no later than 14 days from the day the product was received, by providing notice to the Company. In this case, the Company will reimburse the user the full amount paid for the product and the Company will be entitled to deduct cancellation fees from this amount, at a rate of 5% of the product’s price of transaction or NIS 100 , whichever is less. Despite the aforementioned, the Company will not charge cancellation fees if the cancellation is due to a faulty product, or incompatibility between the product ordered and the items provided, according to the provisions of the law. In this case, the user will notify the Company and a date to collect the product will be arranged, all according to the provisions of the law. Shipment for the return of the product from the customer will be carried out in coordination with the Company through the channels of communication stated above, and its cost, in the case of a return that is not due to a faulty product, will be paid by the customer.
3. Reimbursement will take place up to 14 business days from the time the product was received in our warehouses, by means of monetary credit that will be transferred to the credit card company or to the means of payment in which the order was carried out or credit will be given to the user’s account for purchases on the Site, pursuant to the choice of the user as part of the cancellation process.
4. Nothing in the aforementioned diminishes from the rights of the Company to claim for damages due to depreciation of the product as a result of a significant decline of its level of quality.
5. Cancellation of a transaction after the product has been received or an item replacement will be carried out by direct communication to the email account: info@annabella-pump.com.
6. It is clarified that the user is entitled to return the product subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, as long as the product’s packaging has not been damaged, the product returned is hermetically sealed and it has not been used at all, it has not been damaged and it is in its original packaging.
7. If, due to shortages of inventory, products that have been ordered are out of stock – the Company will be entitled to offer the user an alternative item of equal value, according to its discretion.
8. If the user, who is a person with disabilities or is a senior citizen or new immigrant, requests to cancel the aforementioned transaction, the Company will be entitled to request that the user will present documentation testifying that the user does have disabilities, is a senior citizen or is a new immigrant. The cancellation of a transaction by a user who has disabilities, is a senior citizen or is a new immigrant will take place by notifying the Company within four months from the date the transaction was completed, from the day the product was received or from the date the disclosure document was received pursuant to the Consumer Protection Law, whichever is later. The Company will reimburse the user the amount paid for the product, and will be entitled to deduct 5% of the product’s price, or NIS 100 , whichever is less.
9. Despite the aforementioned, the Company will not charge cancellation fees if the cancellation is due to a faulty product, or incompatibility between the product ordered and the items provided (according to the provisions of the law), following non-delivery of the product by the time defined or following another violation of the Company towards the user in regards to the transaction. In this case, the user will notify the Company and a date to collect the product will be arranged, all according to the provisions of the law.
10. If the user has chosen to exercise the right to cancel the transaction pursuant to these Terms of Use or the Consumer Protection Law, notice of cancellation from the user to the Company, prior to the products being received by the user, will be provided in one of the following ways:
a) Via email: info@annabella-pump.com.
b) By means of sending a request to the Company through the Site.
It is hereby clarified that pursuant to the provisions in the Consumer Protection Law, the right to cancel, as detailed above, will not apply to perishable items (products that with their arrival to the user and from the moment they were delivered are unable to be used again or supplied to other users or products whose value is lost in the period of time required to return the product, or products that could spoil until they are returned). In the even the customer completed an order on the Site by means of a gift card and chose to return the products, reimbursement will only be carried out through credit and not cash.
2. The user will be entitled to cancel a purchase transaction no later than 14 days from the day the product was received, by providing notice to the Company. In this case, the Company will reimburse the user the full amount paid for the product and the Company will be entitled to deduct cancellation fees from this amount, at a rate of 5% of the product’s price of transaction or NIS 100 , whichever is less. Despite the aforementioned, the Company will not charge cancellation fees if the cancellation is due to a faulty product, or incompatibility between the product ordered and the items provided, according to the provisions of the law. In this case, the user will notify the Company and a date to collect the product will be arranged, all according to the provisions of the law. Shipment for the return of the product from the customer will be carried out in coordination with the Company through the channels of communication stated above, and its cost, in the case of a return that is not due to a faulty product, will be paid by the customer.
3. Reimbursement will take place up to 14 business days from the time the product was received in our warehouses, by means of monetary credit that will be transferred to the credit card company or to the means of payment in which the order was carried out or credit will be given to the user’s account for purchases on the Site, pursuant to the choice of the user as part of the cancellation process.
4. Nothing in the aforementioned diminishes from the rights of the Company to claim for damages due to depreciation of the product as a result of a significant decline of its level of quality.
5. Cancellation of a transaction after the product has been received or an item replacement will be carried out by direct communication to the email account: info@annabella-pump.com.
6. It is clarified that the user is entitled to return the product subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, as long as the product’s packaging has not been damaged, the product returned is hermetically sealed and it has not been used at all, it has not been damaged and it is in its original packaging.
7. If, due to shortages of inventory, products that have been ordered are out of stock – the Company will be entitled to offer the user an alternative item of equal value, according to its discretion.
8. If the user, who is a person with disabilities or is a senior citizen or new immigrant, requests to cancel the aforementioned transaction, the Company will be entitled to request that the user will present documentation testifying that the user does have disabilities, is a senior citizen or is a new immigrant. The cancellation of a transaction by a user who has disabilities, is a senior citizen or is a new immigrant will take place by notifying the Company within four months from the date the transaction was completed, from the day the product was received or from the date the disclosure document was received pursuant to the Consumer Protection Law, whichever is later. The Company will reimburse the user the amount paid for the product, and will be entitled to deduct 5% of the product’s price, or NIS 100 , whichever is less.
9. Despite the aforementioned, the Company will not charge cancellation fees if the cancellation is due to a faulty product, or incompatibility between the product ordered and the items provided (according to the provisions of the law), following non-delivery of the product by the time defined or following another violation of the Company towards the user in regards to the transaction. In this case, the user will notify the Company and a date to collect the product will be arranged, all according to the provisions of the law.
10. If the user has chosen to exercise the right to cancel the transaction pursuant to these Terms of Use or the Consumer Protection Law, notice of cancellation from the user to the Company, prior to the products being received by the user, will be provided in one of the following ways:
a) Via email: info@annabella-pump.com.
b) By means of sending a request to the Company through the Site.
It is hereby clarified that pursuant to the provisions in the Consumer Protection Law, the right to cancel, as detailed above, will not apply to perishable items (products that with their arrival to the user and from the moment they were delivered are unable to be used again or supplied to other users or products whose value is lost in the period of time required to return the product, or products that could spoil until they are returned). In the even the customer completed an order on the Site by means of a gift card and chose to return the products, reimbursement will only be carried out through credit and not cash.
E. The Company's liability
1. The Company's products are produced while investing great effort to use quality raw materials.
In the event a product is manufactured with a defect, it will be replaced, at the Company's discretion. If there is no identical product in the Company's inventory, a credit voucher or alternative product of equal value will be provided.
If the customer received a defective product, the Company must be contacted and the case will be handled with top priority. The replacement of a product could take up to 14 business days.
2. Subject to the limits of liability applicable by law, the Company and/or a person on its behalf will not be liable for, and will not bear any direct, indirect, consequential or special damage that will be incurred to the user and/or a third party, as a result of using or purchasing through the Site in a manner that contradicts the provisions of these Terms of Use or due to actions or the fault of the user or third parties, including but not limited to, communication vendors (including in regards to a defect and/or disruption, temporary or permanent, to communication lines) and/or due to unauthorized access, attacks, infiltration and penetration to information (or attempts to carry out any of the aforementioned) by means of communication lines or other communication network and/or due to delivery services and/or collection services.
3. In any case, and subject to the limitations of legal applicable liability, regardless of the cause of the case, the limits of the Company's liability will not exceed the total amount of payments the user has paid the Company, and in any case, the Company will not be liable for consequential or indirect damages, including the loss of income and/or the prevention of profit that will be caused by any reason whatsoever.
4. The Company and/or persons on its behalf will not be liable for any breakdown and/or delay and/or disruption in the use of the Site and/or the services it includes (including the delivery of products) and/or anything related to any of these (including and without diminishing from the generality of the aforementioned, Bezeq lines and/or internet systems and/or cellular networks) and for any expense, lost or damage that will be incurred for any reason whatsoever, that does not depend on the Company, including but not mitigating from, as a result of an order and/or regulation and/or directive of a government authority, significant stoppage of communication systems, earthquake, violent storm, lack of materials and/or public services and/or transportation services, fire, flood, explosion, blast, accident, epidemic, strike, stoppage, riots, violation of public order, war, terror and/or hostile actions and lockdown, and these will not be considered as a violation of these Terms of Use and will not award the user any remedy and/or right. To remove all doubt, and without mitigating from the aforementioned generality, it is clarified that the user will not have any claim or right concerning the actions taken by the Company following the aforementioned breakdowns and/or disruptions. If there was a clerical error in the product's description, this will not obligate the Company and/or persons on its behalf. The Company is not liable for the use of the product by the user and/or any other person that is not according to the manufacturer's instructions and the instructions found on the packaging.
5. The Company will do everything in its power to provide quality products at the time requested. If a user believes that the products purchased through the Site or the services provided by means of the Site are defective in any way, they are welcome to directly contact customer services at info@annabella-pump.com and the Company will address the complaint as quickly as possible.
6. It is possible that as part of the use of the Site, the Company could provide links and references to various internet sites and pages that are operated by third parties ("Linked Sites") by which the user will be able to, inter alia, to receive or purchase various products and services. It is possible that these sites and pages will request that the user register, provide details, etc. It is clarified that the Company has no knowledge, control or liability for the dealings of these sites. The provision of details and registration on these sites are not subject to the Company's privacy policy, but to the privacy policy of these Linked Sites and all the legal provisions they include. The use of these sites and pages, just like any other action the user takes regarding them, is the sole responsibility of the user and the owners of the Linked Sites, and the user will have no claim and/or demand for loss, non-profit or damage, either direct or indirect, against the Company and or persons on its behalf that stem from relying on and/or using content and/or information provided on these sites.
In the event a product is manufactured with a defect, it will be replaced, at the Company's discretion. If there is no identical product in the Company's inventory, a credit voucher or alternative product of equal value will be provided.
If the customer received a defective product, the Company must be contacted and the case will be handled with top priority. The replacement of a product could take up to 14 business days.
2. Subject to the limits of liability applicable by law, the Company and/or a person on its behalf will not be liable for, and will not bear any direct, indirect, consequential or special damage that will be incurred to the user and/or a third party, as a result of using or purchasing through the Site in a manner that contradicts the provisions of these Terms of Use or due to actions or the fault of the user or third parties, including but not limited to, communication vendors (including in regards to a defect and/or disruption, temporary or permanent, to communication lines) and/or due to unauthorized access, attacks, infiltration and penetration to information (or attempts to carry out any of the aforementioned) by means of communication lines or other communication network and/or due to delivery services and/or collection services.
3. In any case, and subject to the limitations of legal applicable liability, regardless of the cause of the case, the limits of the Company's liability will not exceed the total amount of payments the user has paid the Company, and in any case, the Company will not be liable for consequential or indirect damages, including the loss of income and/or the prevention of profit that will be caused by any reason whatsoever.
4. The Company and/or persons on its behalf will not be liable for any breakdown and/or delay and/or disruption in the use of the Site and/or the services it includes (including the delivery of products) and/or anything related to any of these (including and without diminishing from the generality of the aforementioned, Bezeq lines and/or internet systems and/or cellular networks) and for any expense, lost or damage that will be incurred for any reason whatsoever, that does not depend on the Company, including but not mitigating from, as a result of an order and/or regulation and/or directive of a government authority, significant stoppage of communication systems, earthquake, violent storm, lack of materials and/or public services and/or transportation services, fire, flood, explosion, blast, accident, epidemic, strike, stoppage, riots, violation of public order, war, terror and/or hostile actions and lockdown, and these will not be considered as a violation of these Terms of Use and will not award the user any remedy and/or right. To remove all doubt, and without mitigating from the aforementioned generality, it is clarified that the user will not have any claim or right concerning the actions taken by the Company following the aforementioned breakdowns and/or disruptions. If there was a clerical error in the product's description, this will not obligate the Company and/or persons on its behalf. The Company is not liable for the use of the product by the user and/or any other person that is not according to the manufacturer's instructions and the instructions found on the packaging.
5. The Company will do everything in its power to provide quality products at the time requested. If a user believes that the products purchased through the Site or the services provided by means of the Site are defective in any way, they are welcome to directly contact customer services at info@annabella-pump.com and the Company will address the complaint as quickly as possible.
6. It is possible that as part of the use of the Site, the Company could provide links and references to various internet sites and pages that are operated by third parties ("Linked Sites") by which the user will be able to, inter alia, to receive or purchase various products and services. It is possible that these sites and pages will request that the user register, provide details, etc. It is clarified that the Company has no knowledge, control or liability for the dealings of these sites. The provision of details and registration on these sites are not subject to the Company's privacy policy, but to the privacy policy of these Linked Sites and all the legal provisions they include. The use of these sites and pages, just like any other action the user takes regarding them, is the sole responsibility of the user and the owners of the Linked Sites, and the user will have no claim and/or demand for loss, non-profit or damage, either direct or indirect, against the Company and or persons on its behalf that stem from relying on and/or using content and/or information provided on these sites.
F. The information on the Sitecannot be considered medical consultation
The information presented on the Site does serve as an authorized medical recommendation and is not intended to direct the public or to be considered a recommendation or directive or suggestion to use the product and/or to change or stop using any medicine and/or serve as a declaration concerning the effectiveness of the products or their qualities and is not intended to be used as a replacement for private medical or other consultation. The picture/pictures on the Site are for illustrative purposes only and should not be used to as any kind of evidence or commitment concerning the products' effectiveness. The use of the products could lead to differing results from person to person, and the users hereby waive any claim, complaint or demand from the Company in this regard.
G. Copyrights
1. All proprietary rights on the Site and/or in the products, including trademarks, the methods and commercial secrets, are solely the property of the Company and/or to third parties, as the case dictates. These rights apply, inter alia, to the Site's content, including the services it provides, the list of the products, their description and design, pictures, photographic ideas, texts appearing on the Site, the graphic design on the packaging and on the site and any other detail related to the Site's operation, design, software, application, computer code, graphic file, text, etc., whether on an external interface, original source code or object code.
2. The copying, reproduction, distribution, sales, marketing, translation, introduction of changes, advertisement, transmission, presentation, execution, licensing, production of derivative works, reverse engineering or to sell, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, in any way whatsoever, any part of the information or content that is included on the Site, including trademarks, pictures and texts, product design, photos of the products, etc. is prohibited, unless the Company or third parties (as relevant) provide prior written consent. Moreover, the Site is not to be used in a way that serves, or could serve, as a violation or harm to the Company's proprietary rights, without the Company's express prior written consent.
3. The data published in the Site's data base, list of products on the Site or other details that are published, are not to be commercially used unless the Company has provided express prior written consent.
4. No data published on the Site shall be used for presentation on any other site or service without receiving prior written consent from the Company, and subject to the conditions of the consent (if it will be provided).
5. The name "Annabella", and the Site's domain name, trademarks (whether they have been registered or not) are all the sole property of the Company. They are not to be used without receiving its prior written consent.
6. If there are trademarks (including pictures, sketches, etc.) that have been provided for advertisement by companies that offer products and services on the Site, then the trademarks are the property of those companies and they are not to be used without their consent.
7. All the text content, icons, information and/or presentations appearing on the Site, including graphic, design, presentation of text, trademarks, logos, including their editing and display on the Site, are the sole property of the Company.
8. The Site's services should only be used for legal purposes.
9. The copying and use of, or allowing others to do so, in any way, the contents from within the Site, including on other internet sites, electronic advertisements, printed advertisements, etc., is prohibited.
10. The use of, or allowing the use of any computer application or any other means, including bots, crawlers, etc., for searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving content from within the Site, is prohibited. Moreover, the aforementioned means should not be created or used to create a collection, stockpile or repository that will contain content from the Site.
11. Site content is not to be presented within a frame, whether visible or hidden.
12. The presentation of content from the Site in any way whatsoever is prohibited - including by means of software, devices, accessories or communication protocol that changes the design on the Site or remove any content from them, specifically advertisements and commercial content.
2. The copying, reproduction, distribution, sales, marketing, translation, introduction of changes, advertisement, transmission, presentation, execution, licensing, production of derivative works, reverse engineering or to sell, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, in any way whatsoever, any part of the information or content that is included on the Site, including trademarks, pictures and texts, product design, photos of the products, etc. is prohibited, unless the Company or third parties (as relevant) provide prior written consent. Moreover, the Site is not to be used in a way that serves, or could serve, as a violation or harm to the Company's proprietary rights, without the Company's express prior written consent.
3. The data published in the Site's data base, list of products on the Site or other details that are published, are not to be commercially used unless the Company has provided express prior written consent.
4. No data published on the Site shall be used for presentation on any other site or service without receiving prior written consent from the Company, and subject to the conditions of the consent (if it will be provided).
5. The name "Annabella", and the Site's domain name, trademarks (whether they have been registered or not) are all the sole property of the Company. They are not to be used without receiving its prior written consent.
6. If there are trademarks (including pictures, sketches, etc.) that have been provided for advertisement by companies that offer products and services on the Site, then the trademarks are the property of those companies and they are not to be used without their consent.
7. All the text content, icons, information and/or presentations appearing on the Site, including graphic, design, presentation of text, trademarks, logos, including their editing and display on the Site, are the sole property of the Company.
8. The Site's services should only be used for legal purposes.
9. The copying and use of, or allowing others to do so, in any way, the contents from within the Site, including on other internet sites, electronic advertisements, printed advertisements, etc., is prohibited.
10. The use of, or allowing the use of any computer application or any other means, including bots, crawlers, etc., for searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving content from within the Site, is prohibited. Moreover, the aforementioned means should not be created or used to create a collection, stockpile or repository that will contain content from the Site.
11. Site content is not to be presented within a frame, whether visible or hidden.
12. The presentation of content from the Site in any way whatsoever is prohibited - including by means of software, devices, accessories or communication protocol that changes the design on the Site or remove any content from them, specifically advertisements and commercial content.
H. Privacy policy, informationrepository and direct emailing
1. Your privacy is important to us. We highly appreciate and respect the privacy of the personal information we are receiving from you while you are using the Site. This policy of privacy protection was created to notify you about the way in which we collect information about users and share your personal details, and the way our privacy policy is implemented in its entirety (hereinafter: "the Privacy Policy").
2. The private details that will be provided by the user on the Site, including during the filling in of the registration form, every other datum that will be provided, produced or processed based on the analysis of these details and any information regarding the user that came and/or will come to the attention of the Company as during the use of the Site ("the User's Details") will be subject to the Company's Privacy Policy, as detailed below.
In these terms of use, the term "User Details" includes all personal information that has been collected by the Company or given to it by the user or by a person on their behalf, who is able to identify the user in a reasonable manner and/or information protected by the Consumer Protection Law 5741-1981 ("the Consumer Protection Law"), including, but not limited to, first name, surname, ID number, residential address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, products you ordered, location identification, areas of interest, payment method, additional information from contact and correspondence with you, etc.
2. The Company will not provide the User Details, unless for one of the following cases: (a) if it is required to do so pursuant to a court order or according to law; (b) if notice has been provided to legal action being taken against it for activities that were carried out by the user and/or a person on their behalf and for any disagreement, claim, complaint, demand or legal proceedings, if they will exist, between the user and the Company; (c) if the Company is reorganized within another body, in the event the Company will merge with another body or will merge its activities with those of another body, the Company will be entitled to transfer the User Details to the aforementioned other body as long as the other body will undertake the provisions of this Privacy Policy as they will be updated from time to time; (d) if there will be a claim, or the Company will suspect that the user (including a person on their behalf) has committed a violation and/or lapse that harms and/or could harm the Company and/or persons on its behalf and/or any other third parties; (e) there will be a claim, or the Company will suspect that the user has used the Site to commit an illegal act and/or one that could enable, facilitate, assist and/or support the execution of such an act; (f) if there will be a claim, or the Company will suspect that the user has violated any one of the Terms of Use and/or any agreement with the Company and/or persons on its behalf; or (g) if this will be required for the Company's operations, such as providing details to employees, subcontractors, including other bodies or those who are involved with the Site's operations. The user will not have any claim or demands towards the Company concerning the provision of its aforementioned details and they will not have any retrospective claims that they have not provided their consent.
Without diminishing from the aforementioned, the user agrees that the Company will be entitled to provide, according to its own discretion, User Details outside of Israel, even if the laws of the country receiving and/or storing the User Details provides a different level of information protection from that provided in Israel.
3. Filling in the registration form or using the Site and the services it offers serve as the user's consent that the transfer of the User Details will be stored in one or more repositories held by the Company and/or persons on its behalf, and the User Details will be used for the following objectives:(a) for the Site's operation and providing its services to users, including to make contact with the user when the Company believes this is required to provide the services; (b) for the purpose of marketing, advertising, sales promotion and sales and to approach the user in any other way, including through direct post or in any means of media it finds appropriate (including in writing, printing, on the telephone, text messages, facsimile, in a computerized manner or any other means), subject to receiving consent as required by law; (c) to support loyalty, statistical analysis and research (including the provision of anonymous statistical and/or aggregated data to third parties), survey results and any other online use related to marketing activities; (d) for internal use, such as the research of complaints and/or control and to make contact when the Company believes this is needed to provide the services or provide the products or to uphold other legal regulations; and (e) for the Company to fulfill its obligations according to law and/or according to the demands of authorities and/or the courts. The use of User Details for the aforementioned goals will not be considered a breach of confidentiality.
4. The user has no legal obligation to provide User Details to the Company (however, if they are not provided, they will not be able to use all or part of the Site's services) and the provision of User Details was carried out from their own free will and with their consent. The user hereby explicitly consents to the aforementioned use of Use Details and the aforementioned use will not be considered a breach of privacy by the Company and/or persons on its behalf.
5. The Site may make use of "cookies" for the everyday and orderly use of the Site, to collect statistical data concerning the use of the Site, to verify details and for information security purposes. The Company may be assisted by cookies provided by third parties, amongst them Google Analytics and social networks that are intended to raise awareness of products and services based on the various actions of the user on the internet and on other sites and services that were visited, etc.
Cookies are text files the internet browser creates according to orders given by a site's computers or by third-party computers. Some of the cookies will expire when the user closes the browser and others are stored on user's end devices being used. The cookies could include diverse information, such as the pages the user visited, the duration of time on the Site, from where the user reached the Site, information the user requested to see when entering the Site, and more.
Modern browsers include the option to prevent the reception of cookies. If you do not know how to do this, check the help files on the browser used to check the options to remove cookies. Neutralizing the cookies could make it impossible to use some of the services and software on the Site or on other internet sites.
6. Some of the information collected about the use of the Site and/or contractual information with the Company is not individually identified and is not stored together with the User Details. This is statistical and/or aggregated information. For example, advertisements the user read on the Site, the pages that have been viewed, offers and services the user finds interest, the IP address from which the user visited, and more. The Company will be entitled to use the aforementioned information without the user's consent (including the transfer of information to third parties) based on the Company's discretion, and as part of the aforementioned use, will not reveal the identity of users without their consent and/or if not according to this Privacy Policy.
7. Pursuant to the Privacy Protection Law, every person, or legal representative that has been authorized in writing or legal guardian, has the right to view the user's information stored in the data base. A person who has viewed this information and has found that it is incorrect, incomplete, unclear or not updated, is entitled to approach the owner of the information repository and request the information be corrected or removed. If the repository owner refused, the owner must notify the applicant in a manner set forth in the Terms of Use. The refusal of the repository's owner to allow the information to be viewed and the notice of refusal to correct or remove the information can be appealed by in a manner set forth in the Terms of Use.
This type of request can be sent to the Company via email to: info@annabells.pump.com.
2. The private details that will be provided by the user on the Site, including during the filling in of the registration form, every other datum that will be provided, produced or processed based on the analysis of these details and any information regarding the user that came and/or will come to the attention of the Company as during the use of the Site ("the User's Details") will be subject to the Company's Privacy Policy, as detailed below.
In these terms of use, the term "User Details" includes all personal information that has been collected by the Company or given to it by the user or by a person on their behalf, who is able to identify the user in a reasonable manner and/or information protected by the Consumer Protection Law 5741-1981 ("the Consumer Protection Law"), including, but not limited to, first name, surname, ID number, residential address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, products you ordered, location identification, areas of interest, payment method, additional information from contact and correspondence with you, etc.
2. The Company will not provide the User Details, unless for one of the following cases: (a) if it is required to do so pursuant to a court order or according to law; (b) if notice has been provided to legal action being taken against it for activities that were carried out by the user and/or a person on their behalf and for any disagreement, claim, complaint, demand or legal proceedings, if they will exist, between the user and the Company; (c) if the Company is reorganized within another body, in the event the Company will merge with another body or will merge its activities with those of another body, the Company will be entitled to transfer the User Details to the aforementioned other body as long as the other body will undertake the provisions of this Privacy Policy as they will be updated from time to time; (d) if there will be a claim, or the Company will suspect that the user (including a person on their behalf) has committed a violation and/or lapse that harms and/or could harm the Company and/or persons on its behalf and/or any other third parties; (e) there will be a claim, or the Company will suspect that the user has used the Site to commit an illegal act and/or one that could enable, facilitate, assist and/or support the execution of such an act; (f) if there will be a claim, or the Company will suspect that the user has violated any one of the Terms of Use and/or any agreement with the Company and/or persons on its behalf; or (g) if this will be required for the Company's operations, such as providing details to employees, subcontractors, including other bodies or those who are involved with the Site's operations. The user will not have any claim or demands towards the Company concerning the provision of its aforementioned details and they will not have any retrospective claims that they have not provided their consent.
Without diminishing from the aforementioned, the user agrees that the Company will be entitled to provide, according to its own discretion, User Details outside of Israel, even if the laws of the country receiving and/or storing the User Details provides a different level of information protection from that provided in Israel.
3. Filling in the registration form or using the Site and the services it offers serve as the user's consent that the transfer of the User Details will be stored in one or more repositories held by the Company and/or persons on its behalf, and the User Details will be used for the following objectives:(a) for the Site's operation and providing its services to users, including to make contact with the user when the Company believes this is required to provide the services; (b) for the purpose of marketing, advertising, sales promotion and sales and to approach the user in any other way, including through direct post or in any means of media it finds appropriate (including in writing, printing, on the telephone, text messages, facsimile, in a computerized manner or any other means), subject to receiving consent as required by law; (c) to support loyalty, statistical analysis and research (including the provision of anonymous statistical and/or aggregated data to third parties), survey results and any other online use related to marketing activities; (d) for internal use, such as the research of complaints and/or control and to make contact when the Company believes this is needed to provide the services or provide the products or to uphold other legal regulations; and (e) for the Company to fulfill its obligations according to law and/or according to the demands of authorities and/or the courts. The use of User Details for the aforementioned goals will not be considered a breach of confidentiality.
4. The user has no legal obligation to provide User Details to the Company (however, if they are not provided, they will not be able to use all or part of the Site's services) and the provision of User Details was carried out from their own free will and with their consent. The user hereby explicitly consents to the aforementioned use of Use Details and the aforementioned use will not be considered a breach of privacy by the Company and/or persons on its behalf.
5. The Site may make use of "cookies" for the everyday and orderly use of the Site, to collect statistical data concerning the use of the Site, to verify details and for information security purposes. The Company may be assisted by cookies provided by third parties, amongst them Google Analytics and social networks that are intended to raise awareness of products and services based on the various actions of the user on the internet and on other sites and services that were visited, etc.
Cookies are text files the internet browser creates according to orders given by a site's computers or by third-party computers. Some of the cookies will expire when the user closes the browser and others are stored on user's end devices being used. The cookies could include diverse information, such as the pages the user visited, the duration of time on the Site, from where the user reached the Site, information the user requested to see when entering the Site, and more.
Modern browsers include the option to prevent the reception of cookies. If you do not know how to do this, check the help files on the browser used to check the options to remove cookies. Neutralizing the cookies could make it impossible to use some of the services and software on the Site or on other internet sites.
6. Some of the information collected about the use of the Site and/or contractual information with the Company is not individually identified and is not stored together with the User Details. This is statistical and/or aggregated information. For example, advertisements the user read on the Site, the pages that have been viewed, offers and services the user finds interest, the IP address from which the user visited, and more. The Company will be entitled to use the aforementioned information without the user's consent (including the transfer of information to third parties) based on the Company's discretion, and as part of the aforementioned use, will not reveal the identity of users without their consent and/or if not according to this Privacy Policy.
7. Pursuant to the Privacy Protection Law, every person, or legal representative that has been authorized in writing or legal guardian, has the right to view the user's information stored in the data base. A person who has viewed this information and has found that it is incorrect, incomplete, unclear or not updated, is entitled to approach the owner of the information repository and request the information be corrected or removed. If the repository owner refused, the owner must notify the applicant in a manner set forth in the Terms of Use. The refusal of the repository's owner to allow the information to be viewed and the notice of refusal to correct or remove the information can be appealed by in a manner set forth in the Terms of Use.
This type of request can be sent to the Company via email to: info@annabells.pump.com.
I. Maintaining confidentialityand information security
1. The Company does not collect and store credit card numbers on its computers.
2. The Company uses the highest of information security standards to maintain, as much as possible, confidential information and the confidentiality of its customers. The Company uses Payplus, a credit card clearing house and security company, a leader in Israel, to check and secure information. Payplus meets the strict standards of credit company information security standards -
PCI Level 1.
3. The strict information security standards enforced by the Site are intended to protect its customers and credit companies. The introduction of PCI DSS has significantly increased the level of information security and contributes to building trust for online credit card transactions. Payplus uses the services of Avnet Data Security LTD, which specializes in identifying network breaches, sensitivity exposure in the Site's IT systems and services and blocking them from external infiltration and penetration. The certification for the standard includes the largest amount and variety of checks pursuant to the highest level of security - level 1.
4. In cases that are not in the Company's control and/or for acts of god, the Company will not be liable for damages of any kind, direct or indirect, that will be caused to the user and/or a person on its behalf, if the information will be lost or will reach a hostile party and/or will be used without permission.
5. The Company makes every effort to provide its users the highest quality of services. Nevertheless, the Company does not promise that the services on the Site will not be disrupted, provided regularly or without interruptions, will be safely provided and without mistakes, and will be immune against unauthorized access to the Company's computers that operate the Site, damages, breakdowns, faults or failures - including breakdowns of hardware, software or communication lines to the Site - in the Company or with any of its vendors.
2. The Company uses the highest of information security standards to maintain, as much as possible, confidential information and the confidentiality of its customers. The Company uses Payplus, a credit card clearing house and security company, a leader in Israel, to check and secure information. Payplus meets the strict standards of credit company information security standards -
PCI Level 1.
3. The strict information security standards enforced by the Site are intended to protect its customers and credit companies. The introduction of PCI DSS has significantly increased the level of information security and contributes to building trust for online credit card transactions. Payplus uses the services of Avnet Data Security LTD, which specializes in identifying network breaches, sensitivity exposure in the Site's IT systems and services and blocking them from external infiltration and penetration. The certification for the standard includes the largest amount and variety of checks pursuant to the highest level of security - level 1.
4. In cases that are not in the Company's control and/or for acts of god, the Company will not be liable for damages of any kind, direct or indirect, that will be caused to the user and/or a person on its behalf, if the information will be lost or will reach a hostile party and/or will be used without permission.
5. The Company makes every effort to provide its users the highest quality of services. Nevertheless, the Company does not promise that the services on the Site will not be disrupted, provided regularly or without interruptions, will be safely provided and without mistakes, and will be immune against unauthorized access to the Company's computers that operate the Site, damages, breakdowns, faults or failures - including breakdowns of hardware, software or communication lines to the Site - in the Company or with any of its vendors.