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How Much Milk Does My Baby Need to Drink?

How Much Milk Does My Baby Need to Drink?

A lot of mothers wonder how much milk their baby requires in order to maintain a healthy development. If it’s any consolation, you’re not alone. That being said, the answer is a bit more complicated because the amounts vary from baby to another. The numbers in the following article are a good indication for average and common amount of breast milk that your baby requires.

So, How Much Does Your Baby Really Need?  

In the first days after birth, the baby’s tiny stomach grows with every passing day. Starting off at 10ML per meal, an additional 10ML are added daily, until the sixth day, when a meal will consist of 60 ML. Between days 6-14 after birth, a meal’s size grows gradually and varies, normally somewhere between 60-80 ML. Usually, at two weeks of age, a meal will grow to 90ML.

It is important to note that your body produces the same amount of milk from the point when you reach your full supply, around three weeks after birth, up until your baby bases their first actual meals that replace the nursing sessions. A full supply of milk consists of somewhere between 800-1000 ML of milk per day.

Babies who are fed formula, require more of it as they grow. This is not the case with breastfed babies, as the amount of milk they consume does not change, but rather, the contents content of the milk change. Your breastmilk adapts to the baby’s nutritional and developmental needs throughout the entire period of nursing and pumping. Another interesting fact, on average, nursing babies consume an amount of 70-80 ML of milk in every breastfeeding session.

But What Does It All Mean?

This means that a measured and attentive nursing session could have your baby satisfied with about 90 ML of milk. This feeding should last approximately 15-20 minutes, and will allow the baby to eat comfortably and let you know when they are full. Here’s a trick that can help: Imagine that instead of 90ML of milk, your baby has just had 90ML of heavy cream. Wouldn’t you agree now that they’ve had enough? 😊 

However, every baby is special and unique, and your baby may need a larger amount, making their meal measure at 90-120 ML. However, if you have any doubts about your baby’s eating habits, or if you think that your baby is eating too much or not enough – it’s always a good idea to talk to a lactation consultant!

The Bottom Line

While the numbers presented in this article are generalizations, it’s important to remember that every baby has different and individual needs. A lactation consultant might require taking into consideration the baby’s weight, age, and overall health. But the thumb rule that you should follow is whether the baby is relaxed and generally comfortable. A well-fed baby is a calm baby.


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